Last modified: 07/03/2023Background
Below is a common business story:
- A person starts a business, becoming a business owner
- The owner hires multiple employees
- The owner settles upon a bad business model that depends on some combination of:
- Swindling customers
- Poor quality of life for employees
- Violating laws
- When the business model is challenged, the owner defends the model by claiming:
- There is no other alternative for the business to survive
- Multiple people depend on the business for their own survival
- Those arguments are fallacies
- Customers, employees, and the government are all entities that a business relates to
- In this context, Government is a representative of other citizens, with laws that protect one citizen from another
Mutual Benefit
When two entities engage in business, they should agree upon a mutually beneficial arrangement
A business should provide goods and/or services that are mutually beneficial to both itself and its consumer
A business should employ workers that benefit the business and benefit from the business
A business should operate in a manner that does not conflict with its surrounding environment and neighbors
It is not enough for a business to simply try to benefit others, the benefits needs to flow both ways for the business to be healthy
- For example, if the business charges customers too little, employees may suffer for it
- Conversely, hiring an ineffective employee can hurt customers
- For example, if the business charges customers too little, employees may suffer for it
Benefit should be measured as net profit
- Sometimes a business rationalized its practices by focusing on individual benefits it provides, when those benefits are nullified by larger costs the business requires other parties to pay
When a business is not benefiting others, it is hurting others
- A healthy business with good practices does not need to hurt others
- When a business needs to hurt others in order to survive, that business is compensating for its own deficiencies
- The business is cheating to remain competitive
- If a business is significantly hurting others and incapable of becoming mutually beneficial, it is an inferior business and should be dissolved
- The dissolution of a business does not need to be catastrophic—often the elements of a dissolved business are absorbed by other businesses
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